5 Litres extra virgin olive oil £68 a tin click here!

Nick's Food Blog

  • What Is The Difference Between Olive Oil and Extra Virgin?

    At Nourished Communities, we’re passionate about delivering not just food, but a true taste of authenticity and wellbeing right to your doorstep. W...
  • Discovering the Wellness Benefits: Is Taking Olive Oil Daily Good for You?

    At Nourished Communities, we're passionate about embracing nature's gifts to enhance our well-being. Among these treasures, olive oil stands as a s...
  • Thank You to You and 2022 – Our Proudest Moments and What’s Next

    How Much We’ve Grown This time of year always merits a moment of reflection, a time to take stock of how far we’ve come and think about what’s in...
  • Nature and the Brain

      A recent study has shown that a 60-minute walk in nature reduces activity in the amygdala, a region of the brain chiefly associated with stress ...
  • Pepper!

    By which we mean: the flowering vine in the family Piperaceae, piper nigrum, cultivated for its fruit, peppercorns, used as a spice or seasoning. ...
  • Calcium

    Calcium is a mineral most often associated with healthy bones and teeth, although it is essential for a wide range of processes including blood clo...
  • Carbohydrates don't need to be complex

    Carbohydrates are a thing slightly shrouded in mystery. As a result of Aktin's and other diets they are often considered as the reason for heart pr...
  • Protein: The Many Wonderous Forms of Amino Acids

    Macronutrient is the name given to fats, carbohydrates and proteins, they are called this because they are the things the body needs in larger quan...
  • Fat: Unsaturated, Saturated and Trans, Explained (A Bit)

      Fat is a very small word but it has a lot of meaning. In some cultures fat is associated with good health and prosperity while in others it is a...
  • Turmeric

    Turmeric is a flowering plant of the ginger family which originates from India and parts of South-East Asia. The rhizomes are used fresh or boiled...
  • Ginger!

    Mankind's relationship with this root goes back at least 5000 years. Ginger is a carminative, a fancy word for something that stops you farting but...
  • Basil

    Basil is native to tropical regions from Central Africa to South-East Asia. All basils are part of the mint family, species of basil include: sweet...